Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Going Paperless with Electronic Signature

electronic signature
Today’s will discuss about using electronic signature as one of the best ways to go paperless. It’s been a long process since many people want to reduce the use of paper. It is because paper is made from trees and many companies around the world have been cutting trees without replanting them again and it concerns everyone especially environmental activists and scientists. One of the best ways to reduce the use of paper is by avoiding printing documents (that will end up in your cabinet forever) and start using electronic signature.

What is electronic signature?

electronic signature
When you print document and sign the document yourself, and send it to your colleague and wait for him to print it again it will use a lot of wasting paper. There is a better way to overcome this problem which is using electronicsignature. It has becoming a big business around the world. It is one of the high technologies that can replace physical signatures. 
Electronic signature is defined as electronic symbol that is associated with a document, contract or other record and adopted by a person who intends to sign it. Many people have been using it to sign sales contract, offer letters, lease/rental agreement, permission slips, financial documents, liability waivers and other. It can be used for any legal documents and transaction anywhere in the world.

How does it work?

The basic idea behind electronic signature actually is the same with a system from one provider to provider. First, you upload a document in PDF or Word type. You can even upload an image too. Second, you tag the document you’ve uploaded with special comment where your signature will be put. Third, the service will send the marked-up to the recipient you choose who will sign it with scrawl he draws by using a mouse or choose stock fonts. The last, when it finished, the document that has been signed will send it back to you. Many providers of electronic signature said that the users are going up every year.

electronic signature

Is electronic signature legal to be used?

About legalizing, The United States government has taken a major step to solve the legal issue related to electronic signature. This happened back in 2000 when the government stated the ESIGN Act. This act gives explanation that electronic signature has the same legal weight as handwritten signature. Later on, State law gave their validity about it.

Who can sign with electronic signature?

Apart from legalizing document, many people think that doing contracts via electronic are also safe. Even though a signature is more than just a symbol, it says that you will agree to the terms and condition of the financial transaction or contract. A signature is also to validate your identity including signing the receipt of your credit card whenever you use it. But in reality and in many cases, identity isn’t a major issue at all. Most financial transactions, legal fillings and even business operation, it is required a notary to make sure that you are the person who sign the document.
electronic signature

Electronic signature is as safe as handwritten one. There is a law that legalizes it which has the same legal weight as the handwritten signature. So, it means that is also protected by law. You can save your time more by having this electronic signature and of course you also save the world by reducing the use of paper. You don’t need to worry about the authentic and identity since it can be proven by a notary. There are many providers on the internet that provide electronic signature with different options that suit your need.

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